LightFM Dataset Helper - Python package
LightFM Dataset helper
a lightweight python package to help preparing Dataframes (csv ... ) for LightFM module for easy training Training
simply install with the Python Package Index (PyPI)
pip install lightfm-dataset-helper
or manually from released wheel
imports the module
from lightfm_dataset_helper.lightfm_dataset_helper import DatasetHelper
Preparing the Dataframe and the required info
loading csv files
# using pandas to load csv files
import pandas as pd
def read_csv(filename):
return pd.read_csv(filename, sep=";", error_bad_lines=False, encoding="latin-1", low_memory=False)
books = read_csv("Data/BX-Books.csv")
users = read_csv("Data/BX-Users.csv")
ratings = read_csv("Data/BX-Book-Ratings.csv")
Columns Definitions
items_column = "ISBN"
user_column = "User-ID"
ratings_column = "Book-Rating"
items_feature_columns = [
user_features_columns = ["Location", "Age"]
Optional* for testing on small amount of data (500)
# just cutting down the amount of data to 500 for less time (making sure no missing data will be passed ) Test_amount = 500 ratings = ratings[:Test_amount] books = books[books[items_column].isin(ratings[items_column])] users = users[users[user_column].isin(ratings[user_column])]
Creating the helper instance
feeding the dataframes to the helper and running the routine
dataset_helper_instance = DatasetHelper( users_dataframe=users, items_dataframe=books, interactions_dataframe=ratings, item_id_column=items_column, items_feature_columns=items_feature_columns, user_id_column=user_column, user_features_columns=user_features_columns, interaction_column=ratings_column, clean_unknown_interactions=True, )
run the routine ,you can alslo run the steps separately one by one | routine function is simplifying the flow
after runing the routine we can feed the dataset to the LightFM class
from lightfm import LightFM
model = LightFM(no_components=24, loss="warp", k=15)
Model fitted successfully and the result with verbose=True,
Epoch 0
Epoch 1
Epoch 8
Epoch 9
Used Dataset
using books Dataset from here
The Book-Crossing dataset comprises 3 tables.
Contains the users. Note that user IDs (`User-ID`) have been anonymized and map to integers. Demographic data is provided (`Location`, `Age`) if available. Otherwise, these fields contain NULL-values.
Books are identified by their respective ISBN. Invalid ISBNs have already been removed from the dataset. Moreover, some content-based information is given (`Book-Title`, `Book-Author`, `Year-Of-Publication`, `Publisher`), obtained from Amazon Web Services. Note that in case of several authors, only the first is provided. URLs linking to cover images are also given, appearing in three different flavours (`Image-URL-S`, `Image-URL-M`, `Image-URL-L`), i.e., small, medium, large. These URLs point to the Amazon web site.
Contains the book rating information. Ratings (`Book-Rating`) are either explicit, expressed on a scale from 1-10 (higher values denoting higher appreciation), or implicit, expressed by 0.
MIT license
github repo : link